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Spa Care System

[유알지]earthday2015 event with SHANGPREE

샹프리와 함께하는 세계환경의날 이벤트 참여하세요~~^^ 
샹프리제품 구매하시는 모든 고객님께 곤충쿠키 드립니다. 
곤충쿠키가 왜 환경과 연관있는지 궁금하신분은 클릭 (

해시태그 #shangpree #earthday #green #greenday #샹프리 꼭 적어주세용~~^^

 #event #이벤트 #cookie #love
#인증샷 #셀레그램 #팔로우 #kbeauty #mask #cosmetick #snail #skincare #photo #cafe #쿠키 #마스크 #스네일마스크 #블랙마스크 #물광피부
#earthday2015 event with SHANGPREE♥ (1) #follow @shangpree (2) and Buy any of ShangPree cosmetics & we send you with bug cookies (if you wanna know how bug cookie saves earth, check out )
If you #hashtag the picture of bugcookies & shangpree, you can win prizes ;-) Hum... it sounds like it is more for korean people?? Leave a comment here & let us know where you are, we will get back to you with DM to help you get these prizes super easy~!!! ♥ 

#shangpree #earthday #green #greenday #샹프리 #event

#shangpree #earthday #green #greenday #샹프리 #event

#shangpree #earthday #green #greenday #샹프리 #event

#shangpree #earthday #green #greenday #샹프리 #event

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