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Spa Care System

Marine Jewel Capsule Launch at Harrods



Hi This is Team Shangpree.
Though it has been awhile since the last posting, 
we brought up a biggest issue for F/W seasons! 
We have just launched Shangpree esthetician's new formula,
the capsule-type facial oil in Harrods on Aug. 21st.🎉🎉🎉

Marine Jewel® Capsule, In Brief
The Marine Jewel® Capsule is a Korean cosmetic product from the premium spa brand Shangpree, which began in 1990. The capsule contains the extracts from Salmon DNA and marine life complex. Like its name implies, take the single jewel out of jewelry box and smooth it over the face.
Ampoule-like essence oil
Experience the power of the marine energy in a silky-smooth capsule formation
Why Marine Jewel® Capsule?
Marine Jewe®l Capsule is a capsule-type facial oil. Usually facial oil used in spa was often used for a massage oil at the end of the treatment. It is nice and gentle for a massage but sticky and heavy to soak deeply into the skin. Here, estheticians from Shangpree have found the answer from Mother Ocean to deliver nutrients deep into the skin yet has lightweight texture.
We Find Answer from the Sea
The secret of facial oil lies in marine extracts. Herbal-based facial oil has the calming effect for a skin but too heavy to be absorbed in while facial oil extracted from animal-fats is absorbed well because it has similar structure as human skin. Still there lies a possibility for skin problems.
Marine Extracts, the ultimate solution for skin
98% consistency with human skin structure let nutrients absorbed into the skin to the fullest
We created the S- Marine Jewel Formula enriched with Salmon DNA, Pearl, Oyster, Seaweeds, Sea Whip and other Marine Extracts.
Moreover, Phytosphingosine, which has similar structure with human lipids to exceed in absorption, is another key element in Marine Jewel Capsule.
Capsule Design: An Intuitive Visualization of Salmon DNA
The key ingredient in the Marine Jewel® Capsule is DNA extraction from Salmon Sperm, which activates skin cells and regenerates and re-texturizes the look of skin. Unparalleled Shangpree's esthetician expertise created S-MARINE JEWEL formula enriched with Pearl, Oyster, Seaweeds, Sea Whip and other Marine Extracts to deliver 30 capsulated pieces packed with advanced technology. Marine Jewel® Capsule is designed to help consumers understand the key ingredient - each capsule is reminiscent of a fish tale along with leaping salmon ornament put on the lid.
Marine 'Jewelry' Capsule to Put Out for Big Day Out
The design of Marine Jewel® Capsule drew inspiration mainly from the jewelry box. We compared 30 piece concentrated capsules to the jewels of Mother Ocean. Like the jewelry box is made to store precious jewels to put out for a special day, we hope Marine Jewel® Capsule would be treated on a special occasion when the skin needs to get the special glow.
The Legendary Carp Symbolizes Good Fortune or Luck
Oriental Legend has it that carp would swim up the river and those who can leap the waterfall at the dragon’s gate were transformed into dragons.  Fish have been considered powerful symbols of good fortune and luck for thousands of years that many have placed leaping carp fish at home to wish a good luck. Marine Jewel Capsule shares this cultural background.
Diamond Cut: Marin Jewel® Capsule Design Inspiration
To visualize an image of a jewel from a deep blue ocean, we found an answer in diamond work. The container applicate 'radiant cut', which fuses rectangular "emerald cut" and rounding "princess cut" mixology to shows the beauty of balance between linear and curvilinear.
Challenging Design Perception: All-Around Reflective Cutting
The container of Marine Jewel® Capsule is cut off as all-around-reflective 37 tetrahedra. The shape of cutting is every single pattern on all sides, which is a revolutionary attempt that has not been seen in traditional cosmetic molds. The process of shaping multi-angle cutting is sophisticated and there are several points to be highlighted as follows:
First, experimental design difference delivers the premium values as global cosmetic standard.
Second, multi tetrahedra effectively block heat from entering the product.
This is the optimal packaging design for storing oil capusle which is vulnerable to sunlight or heat.
Third, the most unique point about the container lies in matt opaque surface of molding and delicate tints of gold softly shining from inside. The container itself serves as a metaphor to the skin made up of layers of layers that the round inner vessel of gold color is veiled by an opaque cubical crust, which symbolizes the core area at the deeper layers of skin.
Vivid Color Contrast
The boxing design of Marine Jewel® Capsule is illustrated on the story of a salmon swimming through the ocean and deliberately intended to show a sharp contrast between the box and container. This interesting mixture of contrasts and harmonies draw consumer's attention. The complementary color contrasts used in the illustration add life to the design, leading the trend in cosmetic product design in Korea.
Unparalleled Shangpree Heritage

Shangpree has a brand identity as a global premium spa brand, recognized as "the beauty version of 'Jiro Dreams of Sushi'" by New York Times and "the pinnacle of Korean Skincare" by Forbes. Based on accumulated expertise and love for customers, Dr.Wol-Hee & 52 skincare experts develop "Esthetician Formula". The authenticity could only be introduced with numbers as the numeric concept that the compression of 28 years of esthetic knowhow, 112 CIDESCO awards and 10 consecutive years of winning awards. It's Shangpree heritage, the main motif for product design.
Esthetician's blend is actively applying hand-initiated technology and experience to design and branding.
The logo of esthetician's hand on top of the Marine Jewel® Capsule box has symbolized Shangpree Estheticians' wisdom: the hexagonal frame represents a skin cell; inside the frame, esthetician's hand is dropping a fluid, ruffling the surface of the water that is reminiscent of powerful energy of Mother Ocean.  Eventually, esthetician's hand blends key ingredients altogether, providing new skin solutions that give a closure element for the visual identity of Shangpree.

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